Monday, 29 March 2010

Web Site Updated...

I have so much material on the Nature section of the site, that I had to change the way the material is presented. It used to be that you'd click 'arrows' to navigate back and forth through the many pages. It just got to be TOO many pages in some sections - you'd click forever. So, although some web design/marketing sites disagree with putting a scroll-bar on a page, you'll find one on 'the City', 'Nature' and 'Photo Art' sections.

Now that this 'renovation' is complete (for now), I'll try getting some fresh material posted for the various sections.

Please check out the site ( and let me know what you think?

Thanks, JR

Friday, 26 March 2010

The photo hike last weekend along the Cherry Beach and Polson Pier areas was a bit of a bust due to lousy weather. I did get to meet some of the folks whose photo's I've been admiring though. Thanks Mark for the intro's!

A return to the area 3 days ago saw a much warmer and brighter day. That also brought the dog-walkers out... Meaning, the swans wouldn't come anywhere near the shore! I did get some shots anyway. Feel free to check out my Nature Page #16 (click the Nature button on the left side of the Main Page and then click the 'back arrow' once).

I'll be re-designing the site soon, allowing for more direct access to those pages of interest. Stop by often to check out the new material - and the changes!

Friday, 19 March 2010

Early Morning Shoot...

An old friend has invited me to join him, along with a group of his other friends on a photo-hike tomorrow. It'll be an early start, which is great! We may catch some early morning fog along the lake, sunrise reflecting on the water (if the clouds stay away until afternoon, as forecast). It should be a fun morning - and I'd better be on my game. I've seen the work of some of these folks!

After the club meeting last night, I took a drive to the Distillery District, where I got a few shots of the CN Tower light show. I may post them over the next few days. Check my site - they'll appear in the City section.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Toronto Beach Photo Club Meeting Tonight!

The topics tonight are 'Lighting' and 'Insect photography'. I know most people don't want to see 'bugs' up close - and for the most part, I'm with you... However, the art of photographing these critters can be fascinating! As a result, tonight should be a very interesting night.

I usually head out early and take my camera bag with me so I can shoot for an hour/so before the club meets. Let's hope I see some bugs along the way. ...You think it's too early for that? Then why are earthworms laying in our parking lot??

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Darned 'other' Ramages!

I know there are more than one 'Ramage' out there, but who'd think another Ramage would've also called their blog, "Ramage's Ramblings"?

As a result of this newly-found information (and respect for them taking the title first), I've renamed mine simply to, "Stuph". Let's see how many others call their blog by that name!

Snow? What Snow?

The snow has left and we're experiencing some of the finest weather we've seen in Toronto for a very long time. True, this past winter was nothing - it almost skipped us completely! But, with an expected high temperature of 17c today - and more of that on the way, a photographer can't help but get itchy to head out with the camera and just go crazy.

Today I uploaded the 2nd of two videos on my YouTube channel ( and hope you'll take the time to view them. This whole YouTube thing is very new to me, though I've edited both audio and video many times before (esp., audio, being a former broadcaster).

Again, please drop by my channel and let me know what your thoughts are about the video(s) - and I hope your March Break is/was a great one!

Saturday, 13 March 2010

Not Such a Great Day Out...

Terribly Windy and wet here today, so I've decided to update web pages instead of venturing out for any cityscape/nature shots. Yesterday, I assembled a quick (test) video and placed in on YouTube. Please give it a click and let me know what you think... You can find it (and any others I post) at: