Sunday, 8 August 2010

CGTA Gift (Trade) Show This Week...

Starting today (Sunday Aug 8), the CGTA Gift (Trade) Show is on this week at the International Centre in Mississauga. This was my first time attending the show - - it's a monster, including everything from toys, to clothing to artwork.

I found some of my photo art, as well as the art of our friend, Antoine Gaber on display at our distributor's booth and was happy to hear about a number of my images selling at a show last week in Las Vegas.

It really is a neat feeling, walking in to a show like this and seeing your work all mounted and on display. An even better feeling, is seeing someone picking up your work and checking it out! Of course, the ultimate feeling is seeing the cheque arrive in the mail.

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

The Northern Lights - WHAT Lights?

Thank you John (IIPhotography), for letting me in on the Northern Lights get-together in Caledon last night. Although it was a 'bust' as far as a light show goes (I guess we have to pay McGuinty another new "it's-a-fee-not-a-tax" to see the lights in Ontario?), I enjoyed meeting the group and learned a few things at the same time.

As Mark (Marked Imagery) posted on Twitter, no lights were visible and rather than give in to discouragement, I began 'picking-off' stars, just for giggles. There was one particularly bright star to the south of us and so I began shooting it with various exposures - even changing the lens to verify what I was seeing. This star (or was it a planet?) had smaller 'lights' around it. At first I thought it was some form of reflection, or focal problem with my lens, similar to a shot John and I had checked out earlier in the evening. However, whatever this is, it really is out there. The proof is in a number of shots. The shot posted here was taken with a Sigma 70-300mm APO lens and cropped to about the center third of the original frame. The very same photo was taken with my Sigma 14-200mm, without a filter on the lens (except, no shooting star trail in the bottom-left third of the frame).

If anyone sees this and knows what star or planet it is, please let me know. Robbie and I pondered over it for quite a bit. Are those moons surrounding it?
I hope that if the group gets together again tonight (Wed), they have more success. Skies are supposed to clear again around midnight, which is a good time to shoot stars in Caledon.

Thanks again for including me, John.