Friday, 15 May 2015

Our Web Page is Coming Along...The Booth Too!

It's been a while since we last tried authoring a web page for our photography, but recently got back into it - and are remembering just how much work goes into it!

First, I, by no means, profess to really 'know' what I'm doing with web authoring.  I just have enough of my father in me to tell myself, "Hey, if 'that guy' can build his own web page, I can sure take a stab at one for Elizabeth & I."  So here we are once again, my Scottish background attempting to both save us money and prove that I can do this task after all - without having to hire some outsider.

I'll admit, building your own web page can be a head-scratcher - but once it starts to come to life, it really gives you a sense of pride!  Our web site isn't going to win any awards, but I think it's coming along nicely.

Ramages' Photography Booth, Elmvale Flea Market, Cty Rd 92
This time last year, we made the switch from PC to iMac and I only recently got my hands on the web authoring program/app, Kompozer.  So, here I sit - all bleary-eyed and confused as I try to learn the new software.  I think the hardest part of this whole iMac bit is still the file system.  After using Microsoft file systems since about 1982, it's hard to wrap my mind around this Apple system.

I make this sound like a complaint session.  It really isn't.  See, I enjoy figuring out new software and all that jazz!  It's quite relaxing.  Maybe not for many, but it is for me.

We hope to see you at the Elmvale Flea Market this Sunday (and most Sundays this summer)!  It's just west of 'downtown' Elmvale, along County Rd #92 (or, Queen Street).

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